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Morgan Asset Management's clients include institutions, retail investors and high net worth individuals in every major market throughout the world. Morgan Asset Management, with assets under management of $2.6 trillion (as of ), is a global leader in investment management. Morgan Asset Management's Alternatives business. Prior to that, she was a project manager for J.P. Previously, she spent 16 years with Goldman Sachs Asset Management in a variety of roles, including as a global relationship manager overseeing all broker relationships in trading, financing and prime brokerage, and COO of Global Risk Management and Central Trading. Morgan from Prudential Financial, where she covered top global financial institutions for the Enterprise Strategic Relationship Management team. 'Optimizing these relationships delivers benefits for the firm as well as our clients, and we look forward to the value Carissa will add to our management team.' 'Carissa's deep experience in this field means that she brings an expert eye for managing the complexities and synergies that are involved with broker relationships,' said Kristian West, Head of Investment Platform for J.P.

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